Tag Archives: amazon kindle

Happy July 4th! Giveaway!

Happy July 4th!

US Giveaway!

US Giveaway!

Well I had to do it, didn’t I?

I am the British writer who has written an American novel and if you haven’t read it yet then you can get it on Amazon here and the in the US although being from a British publisher means it’s not on Amazon Kindle in the US but it on other platforms.

You can get it on your iPhone, nook, The Book Depository … so no excuses!

I am giving one free signed copy to the first American living in the US who replies to this post — one condition! Please post a review in the states!

New cover WNOWW

And news hot off the press, I will be signing my novel in WHSmiths in Bangor North Wales  on Saturday August 9th!

Watch this space for more information!

So all that remains is for me to say HAPPY JULY 4th!

And have a great weekend everyone!

Here’s my post from this time last year:


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Filed under being a successful writer, Blogging, Learning to be a writer, Living the dream, Mainstream Fiction, Novel writing, Passion for writing, Publishing, Reading, Uncategorized, Writing

Promo day!

Hi everyone, sorry to do the old promo thing but my novel was selected for a gold star promotion on Amazon Kindle in the UK which means for today only it’s back to 99p on Kindle!

So if you don’t have it or if you do but can help promote it please do share this page!

Part of being an author also means doing this hence there will be lots of tweets and Facebook posts today (sorry). I do get a bit fed up when all anyone tweets are buy my book, but this is usually more something I do when there’s a promotion — and that is today!

Please share far and wide! Thank you so much!

Off to Essex later so no post now until next week. On Monday I see Barry Manilow at the O2 and I might never come back!

But at least I have a legacy … this book! Wonder if Barry would like a copy?


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Filed under 50th Anniversary Kennedy Assassination, 50th anniversary of Kennedy Assassination, a book deal, being a successful writer, Believe, Believing, Blogging, Conspiracy Novels, Dreamers never disappear, Dreaming, ebooks, In the Spotlight, JFK50, John F Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy Assassination, Kindle, Kindle Promo, Learning to be a writer, Living the dream, Mainstream Fiction, Novel writing, Page turnability, Parthian Books, Passion for books, Passion for life, Passion for music, Passion for writing, Psychological Thriller, Publishing, Reach your potential, Reading, Succeeding, Success, Success is not about money, Truth in Fiction, Truth in Fiction Series, While No One Was Watching, Writing

Let’s add zeros …

I want to thank everyone for getting behind the Free Wild n Free book (that’s free all over the weekend) and for spreading the word about the Paws Competition. I am delighted.

Last night we’d had 42 downloads and of course I logged on as soon as I got up to find it had risen to 104 and then after a few Tweets I saw it become 105. Let’s see if we can add a zero or two to that number!

The book had sold mainly to family and friends of the young authors the paper copy, as you would expect, but we’d only had 8 downloads of the eBook. So I decided to give it away.

The promo runs until midnight Monday 24th (Pacific time, which is 8 am Tuesday in the UK) so please keep telling people about this! This is what I hope will happen:

  1. We raise awareness about the Paws Writing Competition
  2. We raise awareness about the plight of wild animals
  3. We raise awareness about the work of the Born Free Foundation
  4. We showcase young writing talent
  5. We get lots of reviews on Amazon (PLEASE!)
  6. We encourage people to tell friends and SELL more paper copies (royalties to Born Free!)
  7. We get a steady stream of downloads and sales after the promo is over

I am sorry to go on about this all of this week, it’s hard when it’s only about word of mouth and I really appreciate all your help. If you do one good thing today, it’s this … please pass on the links about this competition and the free book give away. Thank you so much and have a great weekend.

Please also encourage people to like our FB page.

Here are the links again:





Animals matter

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Filed under Animals, being a successful writer, Blogging, Born Free Foundation, Children wriitng, ebooks, Facebook, Indentity, Kindle, Learning to be a writer, Living the dream, Passion for writing, Paws Animal Writing Competition for Children, Paws n Claws Publishing, Publishing, Reading, Short Stories, Wild n Free Book, Winning, Writing, writing competitions