Every New Journey

I wanted to post this morning as I embark on another new novel that has been creating a world inside my head for the past six weeks or so. It is now ready to be written!

Writing, for me, remains my favourite thing to do. I love all parts of the ‘story’ process, from its conception, its planning and then to its initial creation and through to the sculpting of it through its various rounds of edits. This is book number 11 and some might wonder how you can keep writing something you pour your heart into every year, get spectacular near-misses, then sit those in park (for now at least) and move onto something else you need to find the same gusto for. It’s a strange life I know, but while I still love it (which I hope I always will) I will do it. I am honoured to be able to do it.

I am always willing to learn and I think every new book I have written I have learned from and would like to think become a better writer with each one. I have really played with voice and character, as these are my favourite, but I have learned how to plot, use the story arc, use techniques to best effect, and I believe have delved into and explored a range of interesting structures. I do believe my time will come. I hope that I am not writing into a void because every story needs to be read, especially when they have all been written with such passion and hopefully you will agree, skill.

The new one is a domestic thriller (literary) but that’s about all I will divulge at this stage. The last one which is with my agent now is more of an American mystery. This new one is set a lot closer to home.

I plan to post more as I feel the writing process itself is so great for learning new things. They come as you work and I plan to share some of those with you along the way this time. I might even ask for the odd comment if I have something in my head I want to know what you all think about it.

So here I go.

Life really is about the journey. Enjoy it!

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