Just A Colour

Tonight is the next meeting of Canvey Writers and I set the challenge to write a story inspired by colour; using it to set the mood and the tone. It will be interesting to see how this was interpreted. I am really looking forward to the meeting and hearing more of people’s work.

The colour for me for the past week or so has definitely had deep blue edges, with moments of black and some drips of yellow. The blue comes from the sad news that we lost a close friend. I was there to see how hard the paramedics worked but sometimes these images are stark and shocking colours; streaks of neon painting scars in our memory. This is the same friend I had to dial 999 for a few weeks ago (spoken of on this blog). Sadly his journey ended on Good Friday. It wasn’t such a good Friday. Ironic perhaps that a staunch atheist dies on one of the holiest days.

So we have been spending a lot of time helping someone left behind. So it’s been all the things you don’t really want to think about but have to. So parting messages, funeral arrangements and bereavement poems; white and grey and soft fuzzy edges.

Yesterday we went into John’s attic room where we looked at lots of black and white photos. Some in colour. So much of him was in that room; comforting. We laughed, we looked at the colours of the past. I only knew him in his latter years and it’s easy to forget all that time that went before. Seventy-eight is a lot of years; many colours. Endings are merely new beginnings. And the sun was shining. What was odd was John has not been well enough to use that room for a year and the last date crossed out on the calendar (I bought him as it happens) was April 12 2014. An exact year before. How strange. As if we were meant to be there that day.

Grief has many colours; as does joy.

These times come to remind us to add colour to our lives. When someone passes in all of that sadness we need to remember that the blue leaves and the colour of those memories is what is left. Beautiful bright colours like a rainbow.

So what colour is your day?

Be happy. Make lots of memories. Enjoy Monday.



Borrowed from: LINK

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